Mail agent of Sovmail and TeleMail
Global Mail for Windows 9x/NT/W2k/XP
The task of Global Mail program as the mail client is organization and optimization of operations with mail in X.25 communication TeleMail-SovMail systems of France Telecom / Deutche Telecom / Sprint. It is intended for the users working on computers under the control of operating systems Windows 9x/NT/W2k/XP.
Localization: Russian, English, Polish.
Global Mail allows easily and conveniently (often completely automatically) to fulfill all aspects of user (client) activity on information exchange with other clients of SprintMail system, including such main moments as:
- Support of visual system of message storage and arrangement
- Creating and editing messages
- Differentiating and search of messages by multiple
- Support of address book
- Sending of prepared mail
- Reception of mail
- Usage of various scripts of information exchange
- Operation with bulletin boards of SprintMail system
- Support of activity logs
- Possibility of operation in autonomous mode
The program is convenient in use due to:
- Majority of the operations taking much time or frequently repeating are practically full-automatic
- You have means for fast access to any part of your information
- Program has the multiple built-in service functions which will allow you to perform all operation without engaging any additional external tools. Global Mail can implement the different variants of manipulations with various types of the information (not just with plain messages texts)
Distinctive features of the program consist in the following:
Data base
- Repository - database with appropriate means of information control
- Unlimited quantity of folders with the unlimited nesting of folders (tree)
- Possibility of keeping one message simultaneously in several folders (links to message)
- User's attributes of the message
- Sorting of the message list and folder tree by big number of criterions
- Possibility of message compression
- Power engine of message search by all criteria, including user's attributes of messages
Message editor
- Possibility of simultaneous opening several messages in several editors
- Choice of fonts for viewing and printing messages
- Self-instructed carry at text input
- Spell checking (by MS Office tools or compatible) with choice of language
- Inserting external files as the text of DOS, Windows, UU-code into the text of message
- Built-in decoder to / from UU-code
- Restoring the message text corrupted by Internet gates
Communication possibilities
- Operation via modem and via local area network (TCP/IP, XPAD)
- Support of several profiles (connection settings)
- Transmission of attached files via Kermit-with-sliding-windows protocol, X-modem, X-Modem CRC, Y-modem
- Visualization of states of modem lines in a window and insonifying of CD change state line
- Communication scripts with possibility of modification and compilation
Address book
- Hierarchical address book
- Self-acting creation of addresses from Õ.400, Internet, FAX, Telex, FIDONet formats
- Possibility of usage of address aliases
- Self-acting replenishment of an address book at mail reception
- Monitoring of variations of address aliases in all messages (including opened in editors)
Service possibilities
- Operation according to communication schedule
- Operation in a background
- Self-acting sorting messages into folders
- Support of program and communication logs
- Start from the command line with job parameters
- Batch mode of operation for execution of several jobs
- Self-acting archiving of the data
- Anti-virus check of received files
- Possibility of import / export of messages with saving folder structure between Global Mail and Sprint Mail, Fast Mail, RC-Link programs
- Support of standard drag-and-drop for dragging messages,
folders and addresses
- Support of enhanced keyboards
- Usage of the shortcut menu
- Presence of ToolTips
- Four message list views standard for Windows
- Usage of voice possibilities of computer
- Presence of separate clipboards for relocating messages,
folders and addresses
Help system
- Context-dependent help system
- Advices of day
- Navigator trough the program for novice users
- Self-acting guidelines on an adjustment and data management