Our proposal - to start a business or promote the organization:
- Term of creating a website: 3 days
- Design: attractive, from the best industrial designers of the country
- Safe storage: on the main domain registrar nic.ru
- Price: 25 K rubles
In addition:
- Promotion: Top 3 Google and Yandex
- Price: depends on the field of promotion, usually 10 K roubles
- Modern engineering approach
- The team of developers and designers
- The quality system of the company
- Partnering with RSIC (nic.ru), Yandex, Google
- Day 1: getting the materials of the customer, offering variants of templates from the world's leading developers, registeration of the domain
- Day 2: making the project site and harmonization with the customer
- Day 3: completing the site content, transferring the work and materials to the customer
- Makes an advance payment
- Submit the materials for the site
- Agree on the draft and takes work
This was done in 3 days: