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Ver. 7 of medical sofware is released more...
The shipment of equipment for nuclear power plant more...
The shipment of equipment for nuclear power plant more...
Ver. 6 of medical sofware is released more...


01-Jul-2017 Ver. 7 of medical sofware is released
26-Aug-2015 The shipment of equipment for nuclear power plants by the order of "Atomstroyexport" is completed
15-Jan-2015 The shipment of equipment for nuclear power plants by the order of "Atomstroyexport" is completed
01-Sep-2014 Ver. 6 of medical sofware is released
01-Feb-2014 The shipment of equipment for nuclear power plant in China is completed
25-Mar-2013 The shipment of equipment for nuclear power plant in China is completed
12-Dec-2012 ASE Group has developed the concept design of the virtual museum "The House of Life-Giving Trinity" under contract with the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation
12-Mar-2012 ASE Group successfully finished warranty support of industrial operation of Computerised Information / Safety Panel (CI/SP) System for Unit 1 of Kalinin NPP, supplied by Consortium Tecnatom (Spain) - ASE Group under contract with European Comission
22-Apr-2011 ASE Group has conducted in the GAZPROM-VNIIGAZ the seminar "Hardware & software complex MASTER Professional for the modelling of physical processes and its applications in the interests of GAZPROM-VNIIGAZ"
17-Feb-2011 ASE Group has conducted the seminar "Development and application of modern engineering and technical methods and investigations of ASE Group / Advanced System Engineering and the enterprises - partners in the nuclear industry - for an increase of GAZPROM-VNIIGAZ's and GAZPROM's task solution efficiency"
17-Dec-2010 ASE Group has participated in the Conference "START-UP CHALLENGE" of Russian Venture Company with the project "Portable neutron generators"
20-Oct-2010 ASE Group company has obtained the certificate of conformity of Quality Management System to the requirements of new standard ISO 9001:2008 in Russian GOST R system and international systems IQNet and ACCREDIA
31-Aug-2010 ASE Group successfully performed site test of Local Crisis Center (LCC) developed for Atomstroyexport
04-May-2010 Computerised Information / Safety Panel (CI/SP) System for Unit 1 of Kalinin NPP, supplied by Consortium Tecnatom (Spain) - ASE Group under contract with European Comission, was transferred into industrial operation
31-Mar-2010 The management & medical records system RehaBase in sanatorium "Rus" in Ruza city (Moscow region) was put into operation in full functional range
30-Nov-2009 The management & medical records system RehaBase in Republican medical & diagnostic center in Grozny city was put into operation in full functional range
30-Oct-2009 Computerised Information / Safety Panel (CI/SP) System for Unit 1 of Kalinin NPP, supplied by Consortium Tecnatom (Spain) - ASE Group under contract with European Comission, is put into trial-industrial operation
22-Jul-2009 ASE Group delivered the equipment of Upper level of Computerised Information / Safety Panel (CI/SP) System for Unit 1 of Kalinin NPP
23-May-2008 ASE Group was awarded the Golden Medal of Health Ministry of Russian Federation (at the All-Russia Forum "Zdravnitsa-2008" - "Health Resort-2008", 21-24 of May, Moscow) in the nomination "The Best Information Technologies in SPA Medicine and Balneology" for the management & medical records system for rehabilitation institutions RehaBase.
31-Dec-2007 ASE Group delivered the equipment of SCA system for Scientific-research center "SNIIP"

22-Dec-2007 ASE Group delivered the 5-year spare parts set for upper level of SCUD system for Tjanwan NPP unit 1-2

15-Nov-2007 The implementation of management & medical records system for rehabilitation institutions RehaBase in sanatorium Yangan-Tau (Bashkortostan) was finished
21-May-2007 ASE Group was awarded the Golden Medal of Health Ministry of Russian Federation (at the All-Russia Forum "Zdravnitsa-2007" - "Health Resort-2007", 15-18 of May, Ufa, Bashkortostan) in the nomination "The Best Information Technologies in SPA Medicine and Balneology" for the management & medical records system for rehabilitation institutions RehaBase. As sponsor on Forum, ASE Group has conferred its award "The Best Implementation of Information Technologies in SPA Medicine and Balneology" to sanatorium Yangan-Tau (Baskortostan).
13-Nov-2006 ASE Group has participated in the conference "Caucasian Health Resort" (9-11 of November, Kislovodsk).
07-Nov-2006 ASE Group has participated in the Fifth international conference "High medical technologies of XXI century" (29 of October - 5 of November) in Benidorm, Spain.
13-Jul-2006 The quality management system of the company has successfully passed recertification on conformity with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 standard in GOST R system and in IQNet international network on quality management system certification.
02-Jun-2006 ASE Group was awarded the Golden Medal of Health Ministry of Russian Federation (at the All-Russia Forum "Zdravnitsa-2006" - "Health Resort-2006", 30 of May - 2 of June, Sochi, Russian Federation) in the nomination "The Best Information Technologies in SPA Medicine and Balneology" for the management & medical records system for rehabilitation institutions RehaBase
19-May-2006 ASE Group has participated in the IX international conference "High technologies of spa medicine: professional longevity and quality of life ASVOMED-2006" (13-19 of May) in Sochi, Russian Federation
20-Mar-2006 ASE Group has participated in the international conference "Modern technologies of spa medicine, rehabilitation and balneology" (13-17 of March) in Baden-Baden, Germany
16-Mar-2006 ASE Group has participated in the international exhibition "CeBIT-2006" (9-15 of March) in Hannover, Germany
15-Dec-2005 The Local Network of Upper Level (LSVU) of Smolenskaja NPP, unit 3, is commissioned into industrial exploitation
13-Dec-2005 ASE Group has participated in international conference "Innovations 2005" (5-9 of December) in Israel
30-Nov-2005 The development and supply of the equipment of Local Network of Upper Level (LSVU) for Smolenskaja NPP, unit 3 are finished
14-Nov-2005 ASE Group has participated in the International Symposium on the Future I&C for NPP "ISOFIC 2005" (30.10-04.11) in South Korea
03-Oct-2005 ASE Group has participated in international conference "Space medicine and biotechnologies" (26-30 of September) in Germany
25-Jun-2004 The delivery of upper level equipment of In-Core Reactor Monitoring System (SVRK) for "Kozloduj" NPP, unit 5 was performed
11-Mar-2004 The delivery of System of Unit Upper Level (SVBU) servers of Automatic Control System of Technological Processes (ASUTP) for NPP to NIIIS, N.Novgorod was performed
27-Nov-2003 The equipment of Upper level of Modernized In-Core Reactor Monitoring System (SVRK-M) on Kozloduy NPP is put into experimental-industrial exploitation
06-Nov-2003 ASE Group company has obtained the certificate of conformity of Quality Management System to the requirements of ISO 9001:2000
23-Sep-2003 Upper level of Automated Radiation Monitoring System (ASCRO) for Rostov (Volgodonsk) NPP is put into industrial exploitation
15-Sep-2003 With ASE Group participation, the delivery of upper level equipment of Monitoring, Control & Diagnostic System (SCUD) for Tjanwan NPP unit 1 was performed
26-Jul-2003 The delivery of upper level equipment of Modernized In-Core Reactor Monitoring System (SVRK-M) for Kozloduj NPP, unit 6, was performed
14-Jul-2003 Interdepartmental acceptance tests of industrial servers PAMIR VK-01R-08, VK-01R-08.09, workstation of operator-technologist RM-01R-08.08 are successfully completed
10-Jun-2003 Interdepartmental acceptance tests of PAMIR VK-01R-08.01, VK-01R-08.02, VK-01R-08.03, VK-01R-08.04, VK-01R-08.05, VK-01R-08.06, VK-01R-08.07, VK-01R-08.08 are successfully completed
18-Mar-2003 Interdepartmental acceptance tests of Base Systems PAMIR-BS BS-01R-01, BS-01R-01.01, BS-01R-02, BS-01R-02.01, BS-01R-03, BS-01R-03.02, BS-01R-04, BS-01R-04.01, BS-01R-05 for informational-measuring and diagnostic systems are successfully completed
07-May-2002 Interdepartmental acceptance tests of PAMIR VK-01R-09.02, VK-01R-09.03, VK-01R-10, VK-01R-10.01 industrial servers are successfully completed
20-Sep-2001 Upper level of Automated Radiation Monitoring System (ASCRO) for Rostov (Volgodonsk) NPP is put into experimental-industrial exploitation
06-Aug-2001 Acceptance tests of PAMIR RM-01R-09 industrial workstation are succesfully completed
15-May-2001 With ASE Group partitipation, PAMIR VK-01R-09 industrial servers are delivered to NPP polygon in Elektrogorsk Research and Development Centre is performed
15-Dec-2000 Upper level of Automated Radiation Monitoring System (ASCRO) for Rostov (Volgodonsk) NPP (prototype variant) is launched

ASE Group is approved as Sun Solution Provider, and PAMIR computer family is included into Sun iForce Partner Products Catalog (Manufacturing, Telecommunication, Workstations and Servers)

25-Apr-2000 ASE Group conference, devoted to the high-realible industrial developments, has been conducted. Specialists of Sun Microsystems , NPPs and monitoring system developers have participated in the conference
15-Mar-2000 Share press-conference of Sun Microsystems and ASE Group, devoted to new CompactPCI products of Sun Microelectronics and high-reliable industrial solutions of the Russian company ASE Group on the Sun CompactPCI platform, has been conducted
12-Jan-2000 ASE Group has finished successfully the state inter-departmental trials of top-level computer systems of SVRK-M for NPPs with PWR-type reactors
15-Dec-1999 New version of management & medical record systems software were developed - DentalBase 3.0, OphthalBase 3.0, including demo-versions



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